Did you know, 20/20 Seed Labs Inc. offers crop inspection services across Western Canada? The team of certified crop inspectors at 20/20 Seed Labs have been evaluated and licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and take part in rigorous training and monitoring through the 20/20 Seed Labs’ extensive Quality Management System, the CFIA, and the Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA).
“We are passionate about agriculture and truly enjoy being part of this aspect of pedigreed seed production.”
-Shari Lafreniere, Crop Inspector since _________
With over 25 years of crop inspection experience, 20/20 Seed Labs is the longest serving independent authorized seed crop inspection services (ASCIS) in Canada.

20/20 Seed Labs provides crop inspection services on the following seed crops listed in the CSGA circular 6 Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 12.
Section 2: Barley, Buckwheat, Canaryseed, Durum, Flax, Oat, Rye, Triticale and Wheat (Foundation, Registered and Certified Production), except Hybrid Cereals
Section 3: Bean, Chickpea, Faba Bean, Lentil, Lupin, Pea and Soybean (Foundation, Registered and Certified Production)
Section 5: Hybrid Canola (Certified Production)
Section 6: Bentgrass, Bluegrass, Bromegrass, Fescue, Foxtail, Junegrass, Needlegrass, Orchardgrass, Redtop, Reed Canarygrass, Ryegrass, Timothy, Wheatgrass, Wild Rye (Foundation, Registered and Certified Production)
Section 7: Alfalfa, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Clover, Vetch, Phacelia and Sainfoin (Foundation, Registered and Certified Production), Hybrid Alfalfa (Certified Production)
Section 12: Barley, Bean, Buckwheat, Canaryseed, Chickpea, Durum, Fababean, Flax, Lentil, Lupin, Oat, Pea, Rye, Soybean, Triticale and Wheat (Select Plot Production), Hybrid Wheat (Parent Production)

For crop inspection inquiries and bookings please contact:
Joel Wenaus
Crop Inspection Manager
Email: Joel@2020seedlabs.ca
Direct: 1-587-920-9179
Office: 1-877-420-2099