Submit a Sample

How to Submit a Sample
to 20/20 Seed Labs Inc.

  Please use our our ‘3-Step Process’ when submitting samples to be tested.

Take a Representative Sample

Select Your Testing and Enter Your Sample Details

Ship or Drop Off Your Sample To Our Lab

STEP 1: Take a Representative Sample

We provide testing on seeds, plants and soil. Select the type of sample below that you are submitting for sample collection instructions.

STEP 2: Select Your Testing and Enter Your Sample Details

Select the testing services you will require from the pricing schedule below, then choose how you want submit your sample: 

Option 1:
Submit your sample online: 

Option 2:
Write Your customer number and sample details on the sample bag and prepare the sample for shipping or drop-off.

STEP 3: Ship or Drop Off Your Sample to Our Lab

Mailing Addresses


20/20 Seed Labs, Inc.
507-11 Avenue
Nisku, AB T9E 7N5
Toll Free: 1-877-420-2099


20/20 Seed Labs, Inc.
3489 Pembina Hwy
Winnipeg, MB R3V 1A4
Toll Free: 1-866-540-7333

After Hours Drop Off

There is a locked and secure after hours drop off box in front of both the Nisku, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba 20/20 Seed Labs offices. Please leave your samples in the drop off box if you are dropping off a sample on the weekends, a statutory holiday, or after 4:30 p.m. on a weekday.

Sample Drop Off Locations


Agro Plus Inc.

3895-9th Avenue North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 6G8
Phone: 1-403-327-7070

View Map


Agro Plus Inc.

2269 2nd Avenue – Unit 22
Dunmore, Alberta
T1B 0K3
Phone: 1-403-487-2906

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Agro Plus Inc.

199 1st Avenue West
Foremost, Alberta
T0K 0X0
Phone: 1-403-867-2436

View Map


Down to Earth Labs

3510-6th Avenue North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 5C3
Phone: 1-403-328-1133

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Independent Crop Inputs Inc.

Hwy #3, 2.5km East of Barnwell, Alberta
Box 4690, Taber, Alberta
T1G 2E1
Phone: 1-403-223-1325

View Map


Neepawa Gladstone Co-Op Agro

85116 PTH 16
Neepawa, Manitoba
1.5 miles east of Neepawa beside the Co-Op cardlock.

View Map

Southern Seed logo-big

Southern Seed

MB 16A
Minto, Manitoba
R0K 1M0
Phone: 1-204-776-2333

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Willowdale Seed

Willowdale Seeds

29020 Springfield Road
Oakbank, Manitoba
R5N 0B3
Phone: 1-204-801-0659

View Map

  • Requirements for Submitting Samples

    Please submit the correct sample size for the test required.

    Germination and Vigour Tests
    Most tests of this type require approximately 250 grams or 1 cup of seed. For very large seeds such as some types of peas or beans, up to twice as much seed may be required.

    Disease and Seed Health Tests
    The quantity of seed for most disease testing is the same as a germination test. Some tests with special requirements may require larger amounts of seed.

    Purity Tests
    Test volumes for purity and % pure seed vary with crop type and are available on the purity weight form.

    Rhizobia Test
    Small seeded legumes require a 1 cup sample. Large seeded legumes require a minimum 2 cup sample. Inoculant, loose peat, granules, and liquid  should be tested in the original sealed container size.

    Canadian Seed Institute Samples
    Follow the CSI instructions for the crop type and the weight to be submitted. Example: Wheat, Purity = a minimum of 1 kg of seed.

    APHIS Samples
    Quantities of seed to be tested for an APHIS certificate for export to the US vary with crop type. Please contact us for the correct volume required.

    Soil Samples
    We test soil for clubroot and for a weed check analysis. It is preferable to have a minimum 2 cup or 1 kg sample size.

    Plant Specimens
    Root samples for clubroot analysis should have only one plant per bag and other plant or leaf samples should contain an adequate amount for representation of the tissue. Please pack fresh samples with moist paper towel and drop off at lab or ship by overnight courier only. Pack in a cooler with ice packs if possible. Do not allow sample to contact ice directly.

    FLAX / TRIFFID Tests
    This test requires either 1 or 2 kg of seed. Please CLICK HERE to use the FLAX SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM for all samples and to confirm the exact amount of seed required.

    If you’re still unsure of the sample size required for your test, please contact us.