Industry Contacts

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Connecting you with trusted industry contacts and organizations to assist in your business, and farming operation.

Alberta British Columbia Seed Growers Association

Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers (ABCSG) is one of six provincial or branch seed associations that serve as a communication link with our national organization, the CSGA. Our role at ABCSG is to provide marketing and advocacy for our members locally, regionally and nationally. Alberta & British Columbia is a key player in Canada’s seed industry – and accounts for more than a quarter of Canada’s certified seed acres. |

P.O. Box 50064,
RPO Cornerstone Plaza
Okotoks, Alberta, T1S 0C4

Phone: (403) 325-008

General Email : 

Canadian Seed Growers Association 

The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) is a non-profit organization representing the interest of Canadian seed growers. We provide leadership as the only Canadian organization to monitor and certify pedigreed seed for all agricultural crops in Canada except potatoes.

P.O. Box 8455,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3T1

Phone: (613) 236-0497

Fax: (613) 563-7855

General Email:

Courier Address:
21 Florence St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  K2P 0W6

Seeds Canada 

Seeds Canada is the leading voice of the Canadian seed sector, representing seed growers, analysts, breeders, distributors, processors and all actors along the seed value chain coast to coast. 

Phone: 613-236-6451

General Email:

Guarding Seed Innovation: To assist with guarding seed innovation, Seeds Canada has launched the Seed Tip Line. This is a new Seeds Canada tool to report suspicious seed activity and/or suspected intellectual property infringements by calling 1-833-533-6200 or by reporting via an online form at

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada’s people, environment and economy.

Phone: 1-613-773-2342

Protein Industries Canada

Protein Industries Canada, one of Canada’s five Global Innovation Clusters, accelerates innovation in plant-based protein.

Phone: 1-(306)-949-0049

200-1965 Broad St, Regina,
Saskatchewan, S4P 1Y1 

Working with trailblazing companies, Protein Industries Canada provides a structure that lessens risk and allows for bold initiatives to create a more competitive, more sustainable Canadian agrifood sector that leads the world in the production of plant-based products. 

Learn more about Protein Industries Canada’s Road to $25 Billion initiative to strengthen Canada’s supply chain and make Canada a global leader in food security solutions.